Umberto Miletto: Professional Coach, Youtuber, and popularizer in the world of Fitness, a serious and accurate professional. With years of experience behind him and a Youtube channel that is the most important and followed in the field of Fitness in Italy.

We at foodboost recommend the professionals on this page for free and sincerely ( there is no collaboration currently underway )

These are just a few of their many, very useful videos.


Founder of Project inVictus and author of Project Nutrition , the book on nutrition, with more than 50,000 copies sold. Graduated in Motor Sciences and graduating in Human Nutrition Sciences. For years University Professor on contract at the University of Milan.

Create your own workout plan!

Thanks to Mad Muscles, a site recommended by foodboost superfood, in just a few clicks you can get a personalized training program, based on your needs and goals, the change starts now!

Create Your Workout
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