Controindicazioni Eritritolo, sostituto dello zucchero

Erythritol: contraindications!

In addition to all the benefits we have seen here, erythritol or sweeteners in general also have some contraindications.

Simply put, if you drink a “ LIGHT ” drink that only tastes sweet but doesn’t actually provide sugar to the body, and you do this thinking you’re fooling your brain, in reality the deception doesn’t work simply because our body is an extremely more complex machine than we think and it doesn’t always let itself be fooled by something like that.

Contraindications Erythritol, sugar substitute

The consequence is that, within a certain period of time, after drinking the “ light ” drink (or any other artificially sweetened food) the impulse to look for food will increase , especially sweet food, precisely to compensate for having previously introduced a “fake” sweet food; in short, the organism asks for the bill, as if it had noticed the deception and wanted to compensate for having consumed an apparently sweet food without however benefiting from the calories linked to that flavour.

It is therefore obvious that if you abuse sweetened products, and sweet foods in general, you trigger a perverse mechanism of continuous search for sweets that inevitably translates into difficulty losing weight or even weight gain.
So, in conclusion, even if it has many advantages and benefits for following a healthy and balanced diet , it should still be taken in the right doses without exceeding because it could have negative effects on our body!!

Contraindications Erythritol, sugar substitute

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